Flyers and Brochures

These easy to read breastfeeding flyers, developed by the South Los Angeles Health Projects WIC, feature beautiful graphics and a wide variety of breastfeeding topics. These flyers may be reproduced for free distribution.



Other resources available:

African American Brochures:

Families Providing Support:

Emergencies: Infant Feeding During Emergencies

Fathers Supporting Breastfeeding
Fathers Supporting Breastfeeding is a project of the US Food and Nutrition Services targeted to African American fathers so that they may positively impact a mother’s decision to breastfeed. The project is part of a continual effort to increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates among African American women by involving fathers in breastfeeding promotion efforts.

Talking to Your Employer About Your Lactation Needs

The Center for WorkLife Law and A Better Balance created a resource called “Talking to Your Boss About Your Pump” that explains legal protections workers have under the new federal PUMP Act and how breast/chestfeeding and pumping workers can plan for their return to work.

Cómo Hablar Con Su Jefe Sobre Su Extractor de Leche Humana

El Centro de WorkLife Law y A Better Balance creó un recurso llamado “Hablando con tu Jefe Acerca tu Extractor de Leche Materna” que explica como la nueva ley federal PUMP Act proteje a trabajadores y como trabajadores amamantando a sus bebés o pleaneando extraer su leche pueden pleanear su regreso al trabajo.

Fact Sheets

A Mother’s 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding: Even if your hospital isn’t Baby Friendly –
This Task Force fact sheet gives you information on both the 10 Steps to becoming a Baby Friendly Hospital as well as information for moms on how to breastfeed successfully

Breastfeeding fact sheets by Jack Newman, MD
Comprehensive Breastfeeding Information Sheets for parents and professionals! Topics include beginning to breastfeed, blocked ducts, bottle feeding, breast compressions, colic, engorgements, expressing milk, extended nursing, and almost every other breastfeeding topic imaginable.

UNICEF-The Remarkable First Hour of Life 
This great fact sheet by UNICEF will give you all of the reasons why breastfeeding in the first hour of your baby’s life can be one of the best decisions that you have ever made.

Supporting Lactation During Incarceration
These fact sheets serve as educational resources for lactating inmates and their families.