When: August 12, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Where: Virtual, https://bit.ly/NativeBFWeek

In observance of Native Breastfeeding Week on August 12th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM PST BreastfeedLA presents Revitalizing Culture through Breastfeeding

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Revitalizing Culture through Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding

August 12, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
(323) 210-8505

In observance of Native Breastfeeding Week on August 12th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM PST BreastfeedLA presents Revitalizing Culture through Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding a live webinar featuring Kimberly Moore-Salas, IBCLC, Amanda Singer, CLC, Briana Groten, BSN, IBCLC, Natasha Bowman. Join us with speakers Kimberly Moore-Salas, IBCLC and Amanda Singer, CLC from the Navajo Breastfeeding Coalition. Together they will present a powerful discussion on the ancestral teachings around breastfeeding/ chestfeeding in the Navajo culture in honor of Native Breastfeeding week. They will discuss how cultural practices in breastfeeding have been interrupted due to colonization and how we can contribute towards cultural revitalization in breastfeeding/ chestfeeding. In addition, they will be joined by panelists, Briana Groten and Natasha Bowman, indigenous birth assistants, to further the conversation around ancestral breastfeeding/ chestfeeding practices. Participants will be awarded 1.75 L-CERPs & 2 Contact Hours. 



Please join BreastfeedLA on August 12th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM PST for Revitalizing Culture through Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding a live webinar featuring Kimberly Moore-Salas, IBCLC, Amanda Singer, CLC, Briana Groten, BSN, IBCLC, Natasha Bowman.


Discuss the ancestral teachings around breastfeeding/ chestfeeding in Navajo culture
Discuss how cultural practices in breastfeeding/ chestfeeding have been lost
Discuss how we can continue to work towards cultural revitalization in breastfeeding/ chestfeeding


10:00am-10:40am: Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Teachings in Navajo Culture

10:40am-11:20am: The Impact of Colonization on Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Practices

11:20am-12:00am: Cultural Revitalization in Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding

12:00pm-12:05pm: Break

12:05pm-12:30pm: Panelist Discussion and Q&A