En Espanol
La Leche League International/ La liga de la leche
The LLLI Spanish-language website has a wide variety or resources for parents and providers, including mother-to-mother forums, educational materials, and information on breastfeeding and the law.
Easy Guide to Breastfeeding/ Una guía fácil para la lactancia
This publication, courtesy of the Women’s Health Information Center, provides information and encouragement to women on breastfeeding. It explains the benefits for baby, mom and society, and also provides frequently asked questions and answers about breastfeeding. This link goes to the Spanish version of the guide. For other languages, click here.
VIDEOS! The WIC Show has several videos en español explaining their program. Especially, this one, “En Sus Propias Palabras: Amamantar”
Legal Aid at Work’s Pregnancy My Job guide/ El Embarazo + Mi Trabajo describe what your workplace rights are in California during and after pregnancy. It will also teach you when and how to use those rights. In addition to the Guide, they have this Roadmap available.
These easy to read breastfeeding flyers, developed by the South Los Angeles Health Projects WIC, feature beautiful graphics and a wide variety of breastfeeding topics. These flyers may be reproduced for free distribution:
- Bebes amamantado no necesitan fórmula
- Comó atender a un bebé molesto
- Comó extraerse la leche materna
- Dando pecho a un niño mayor de un año
- Decisiones sobre alimentación
- Hinchazón extrema
- Pezones adoloridos
- Sacar a mano la leche materna
- Un buen comienzo dando pecho
Other Languages
Visit our Asian Breastfeeding Task Force
A Mother’s 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding: Even if your hospital isn’t Baby Friendly – (German ) This Task Force fact sheet gives you information on both the 10 Steps to becoming a ‘Baby Friendly Hospital’ as well as information for moms on how to breastfeed successfully